What To Expect

info@the-physio-room.com | +44 (0) 7908 230 515

Initial consultations usually last 60 minutes, follow up appointments can last from 30-60 minutes or more, if time is needed to treat multiple areas.

The first part of the appointment starts with a chat about the current problem and any relevant medical history. Please bring any referral letters or radiology reports if you have them.

We then examine the part of the body and surrounding joints to see how the body is functioning, checking range of motion, strength, balance and carrying out various special tests. It’s often a good idea to bring shorts with you or a vest top if applicable.

Once all the relevant information has been collected we are able to explain the findings, give you a diagnosis of the problem and discuss with you a plan to start your recovery.  Treatment is started during the initial consultation and complimented with a corrective exercise programme.
